About Dynetis Games

About me

My name is Jérôme Renaux. I live in Belgium. During the day, I’m a machine learning engineer and consultant. The rest of the time, I’m working on independent game developement, specializing in multiplayer online games.

Click here to get in touch!

About Dynetis Games

Dynetis Games is a nascent three-person game development studio. The current staff consists of me, myself and I. We share all tasks among ourselves, assuming different roles as needed. Collaboration is going well so far.

On this website, I’ll be featuring my past and ongoing projects, and post regular news about their development. In addition, I regularly write articles about interesting technical aspects of our projects. I also try to write tutorials on topics that I think might be helpful for other developers, and about which I feel my experience would be valuable.

If you are interested in multiplayer games development, join us on Slack or follow Dynetis Games on social media!

Do you want to help Dynetis Games grow? Then have a look at the donation page. In particular, take a minute to have a look at my Patreon page, where you can find a listing of rewards for various levels of recurring contributions!